Monday, September 9, 2019

The Madness of King George 1994 Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Madness of King George 1994 - Movie Review Example Consequently, Hytner’s movie sets for an epic encounter with the movie thrilling the viewer from start to the end. The story in the film begins about three decades in the reign of King George. It is during this period that the Great Britain had lost all its possessions in America and the king, played by Nigel Hawthorne, started showing symptoms that are illustrative of increasing dementia. In addition, the king exhibited bouts of forgetfulness and showed violent fits and language that was uncouth and uncharacteristic of the throne and royalty. In effect, the stage for overthrowing the king is set once he starts exhibiting these characteristics with his opponents using it as a weakness and the perfect opportunity to install the Prince of Wales, Rupert Everett, to the throne. It should not be forgotten that most of the people and King George’s opponents blamed the king for the loss of Great Britain’s possessions in America. The movie identifies two people who were steadfast in their support for the king. In this case, the character played by Julian Wadham, King George’s prime minister and Helen Mirren who was the queen show their determination throughout the movie to support and protect the throne from the king’s opponents. In order to protect the throne from its opponents, they bring doctors to rescue the king from his demented condition. However, these doctors used archaic methods of treatment, which proved to be of little value given the king’s condition. In effect, the inconsequential treatment provided by these doctors make the protectors of the throne become desperate and turn to Ian Holm, a character who plays the role of Dr. Willis. This doctor used approaches that bordered unconvention  practice with the approaches  reminiscent of modern day psychiatry. Besides, Dr. Willis was harsh on King George as he

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