Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Meaning of Jargon in English Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Meaning of Jargon in English - Essay Example    A personal peeve is a way people constantly use percentage points to emphasize their readiness and dedication towards a particular job or area of their lives. We regularly hear people exclaiming that they were more than ready to give a 100pc to something. Now, this would not be so bad if they had stopped there. But now we suddenly find that giving a 100pc is simply not enough. The stakes have risen to 200pc, 1000pc etc. This is an example of how tired the English language has become. How do you measure someone’s dedication and commitment to hard work? Is a person who states that he or she is a thousand times or a 1000pc ready to commit themselves better than someone who simply states that they would try their best?       Another peeve is the abundance of â€Å"like† in the conversation of a teenager. The word â€Å"like† appears not simply as a conjunction in the middle of a sentence but often has the honor of starting the sentence. So we routinely hear sentences like â€Å"Like it was hot so I went to the pool.† The above examples point to a lazy and slovenly mind, one that sacrifices clarity for convenience.        George Orwell in his essay â€Å"Politics and the English Language† does not consider slang as particularly offensive. He makes this clear when he states that good writing has nothing to do with â€Å"Americanisms† or with proper use of grammar and syntax. One the pivotal point in his essay is that the meaning must decide the words and not the other way around. Language must be used for the sake of clarity of expression and not evade giving a true picture of things.         A new pressure in our times is the need to be politically correct. This pressure is faced by our politicians, companies and even the average person. No one wants to be perceived as rude, insensitive or offensive or more importantly, face litigation for being politically incorrect. This need to be politically correct can go to extremes. While the move from â€Å"chairman† to â€Å"chairperson† and from â€Å"handicapped† to â€Å"differently abled† can be lauded, other terms are a mass of hilarious confusion.

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