Sunday, November 17, 2019

Cultures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Cultures - Essay Example Therefore, subcultural art is more rigorous to dissent against certain aspects of the society what the subcultural people believed to be oppressive and tyrannical. The most effective but the non-violent forms that the subcultural people use to demonstrate against tyrannical entity in a society are art and music. Whereas the dominant cultural arts are confined to criticize any ailing social aspects in mild and insinuative metaphorical expressions, subcultural arts and music often are found to follow a more sarcastic way. The use of art to demonstrate and to dissent against the tyrannical social aspects was the most extensive in the post Second World War period. Indeed the rising subcultural demonstration was a response to the drastic socioeconomic and political changes in the countries that were primarily supposed to be induced by the drastic transitions in the global power structure and economy due to some epoch-making historical events such as the fall colonial power, the Second Wor d War, the Cold War and the economic depressions of the 1960s. Rapid urbanizations with the blessings of science and technology, the massive practice of the rationalistic view of human life, the decay of blind and rigorous religiosity, the massive awareness of man’s rights and roles in the political power especially in democracy, and the rise of the industrial working class gave birth to innumerous cultural and countercultural movements in the post Second World War period and especially in the 1960s. Whereas the traditional cultural art and literature were found to be preoccupied with the prospects of an elegant life based on the blessings of science and technology, the subcultural art and music primarily focused on the consequential negative impacts of the modernity-induced transformations in the society. Lack of a stable and established

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