Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Employee Motivation to Improve Productivity Essay

Employee Motivation to Improve Productivity - Essay Example Aspects listed as good or positive motivation that boost employees performance include, satisfaction as a contributor to an organization’s mission, job security, desire and room for career advancement, employees benefits and wages and enjoyment or passion for work (Buford 1990, p. 1). Employees not conversant with a firm’s mission and who sees no prospects of career advancement are less likely to perform. Those employees that are less remunerated were reported to perform below par compared to their motivated colleagues. They reported that, productivity suffers a setback when employees are not motivated to perform to their expectation. Highly motivated employees have been reported to be highly productive and efficient. They in turn become the key pillars of any successful organization. The output of a company is a direct reflection of the contribution and efforts of its staff, thus, weak products means less motivated staff and strong products mean efforts of a highly mot ivated and self driven group. Motivation of the employees therefore, becomes the foundation of success for any company in question (Harpaz 1990, p.75-93). In addition, another research carried out by Interpol Research Company established that lack of motivation diverts employee’s attention from task accomplishment. ... Therefore, indifference among employees has got a direct bearing on the productivity of a company (Kovach 1987, p.58-65). According to Henry Ford, quality in simple terms means doing what is right when nobody is observing. An employee having a burning desire to excel within him cannot be held back by any challenge that may come his way. Therefore, leaders who understand the importance of employee motivation create a favorable environment that ultimately supports motivation. Basics of motivation as explained by Buford (44-48), one of the founders of cognitive psychology includes ideas and impressions. He argued that impressions were the foundation of human life and this makes impression a key contributor to actions. He therefore recommended how to create impressions through a method called productivity messaging. This technique involves use of inspiring positive remarks to enhance motivating impressions. These impressions when developed enable one to adapt positive habits, instill exc ellence and lastly improve productivity. As quoted from Aristotle, â€Å"Excellence is an art, an art won through training and by habituation. Men do not act right because they posses virtue or excellence, but they posses them because they have acted rightly. What we are is what we repeatedly do. Therefore, excellence can never be an act but a habit. More often than not, the correlation existing between motivation levels of employees and productivity is often very clear. By outlining how employees contribution impact on the overall vision and mission of an organization, they feel motivated to be part of eventual success. Employees should also be assigned roles to play. Their

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